Daily Prayer
Prayer in the palm of your hand

One of the wonderful gifts of the Anglican Reformation was the introduction of morning and evening prayer for all Christians. Known as the Daily Office, the prayer is a simple time of praying the psalms and contemplating on a scripture reading or two.

You can pray the Daily Office online or with your mobile device with apps such as Common Prayer Canada, which is the Book of Common Prayer for the Anglican Church of Canada. All the prayers, psalms and readings for the day are organized and included for you.

You can also use the new daily prayer resource from the Anglican Church of Canada, called "Pray without Ceasing" (2022) in PDF format. This resource is designed to help you offer variations on Morning and Evening Prayer aligned with the Church seasons. You may want to check the Canadian Anglican lectionary to find out which readings are assigned that day.

Book of Common Prayer App (Canada) Pray without Ceasing (Canada, 2022)
Join your voice in prayer with others
Try pre-recorded daily prayers

There are some apps and websites that offer daily prayers in an audio format.

Time to Pray, from the Church of England, offers Morning and Night prayers via an app, as well as being a web-based podcast, and includes readings, psalms, singing, and prayers.

Pray As You Go is both an app and web-based, offering a time of meditation/prayer. Each day's meditation includes music (traditional or contemporary), a piece of scripture (read twice with comment or questions for you to reflect on following each reading), and a time to pray. Each day's prayer is about 12 minutes long.


Time to Pray (App & Podcast) Pray As You Go
Anglican Prayer Beads
A tangible and tactile way to pray

Anglican Prayer Beads (also called the Anglican Rosary) are a relatively new form of prayer, blending the Jesus Prayer Rope of the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Rosary. The thirty-three bead design was created by the Rev. Lynn Bauman in the mid-1980s, through the prayerful exploration and discovery of a contemplative prayer group.

The use of the rosary or prayer beads helps to bring us into contemplative or meditative prayer—really thinking about and being mindful of praying, of being in the presence of God—by use of mind, body, and spirit. The touching of the fingers on each successive bead is an aid in keeping our mind from wandering, and the rhythm of the prayers leads us more readily into stillness.*

Rather than one set way of praying with Anglican Prayer Beads, there are many different prayers that can be used. This video shares but one way.

*Anglican Prayer Beads: An Introduction to this Way of Praying, Pg. 4 

Purchase Anglican Prayer Beads Additional Prayer Bead Prayers
Back to the Book

Sometimes it's nice to go back to basics. You can find PDF versions of both the Canadian Book of Common Prayer (1962) and Book of Alternative Services (1985) here.

You can consult the Canadian Anglican Lectionary to find the appointed readings and psalms for both Morning and Evening Prayer that day.

Lectionary - Anglican Church of Canada