A typical Sunday Service
What to expect
  • You’ll be greeted as you come in, handed a worship program that will guide you through the service – so no previous experience is necessary.

    • Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly when you need to stand, sit, or kneel and only join in when you feel comfortable.

If there is a question that comes to mind during the service, the sermon, or during your exploration of this community, feel free to ask after the service or send an email to our Rector, Fr. Brendon.

Contact our Rector
listening assist symbol

We have listening assist devices to help you hear the service better.

Please see the person at the back of the church staffing the A/V equipment to pick one up on your way in. You can use our headphones or bring your own favourite pair.

Bring the kids!
  • We have some toys, colouring, and books at the back of the church to help keep them occupied, but we know that kids make noise... and we love it! Their liveliness is a sign of life to us all. Let your kids be kids.

  • Sunday School is available for school-age kids and they are welcome to participate, as they and their parents feel comfortable.

  • We know it takes a lot of energy on your part to get you and your kids out the door in the morning to a pew in Church. Even if that means you're walking in at the last minute, or even late, know that you're doing a really good job and we're glad you and your kids have come to worship with us.

We celebrate communion at our weekly services
  • All baptized Christians are welcomed at the Holy Eucharist (aka Holy Communion) to receive the bread and the wine. Simply come up to the altar rail at the time of communion to receive with everyone else. At the rail, either kneeling or standing, cup your hands to receive the bread and take a sip from the cup. Know that in the Anglican understanding, Jesus is present equally in the bread and the wine. If you do not wish to receive either the bread or wine, only taking one is perfectly acceptable.

  • Gluten-free host (wafers) are available upon request at the communion rail.

  • If you are not baptized or do not wish to receive communion, you are very welcome to come forward to the communion rail with everyone else, crossing your arms over your chest (think of an 'X' shape) to indicate you would instead like to receive a blessing from the priest. If you feel drawn to God's altar and Holy Communion, we welcome and encourage you to talk with our priest about exploring Baptism. We would be overjoyed to welcome you as a member of the Christian community and God's family.

  • If you wish to receive communion but are unable to easily come to the communion rail, the priest will be glad to bring communion to you in your pew. Just mention this to the greeter at the door on your way in.

  • A collection plate is on the table at the back of the church, as you come in, should you wish to leave a monetary offering for the work and ministry of this parish and the Church (but don't feel you need to!).

COVID-19 and Masks
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks have become a regular presence in our society. All those attending a service at Christ Church are welcome to make the personal choice to wear a mask, should they wish, but this is not mandated. If you are feeling unwell or are testing positive for COVID-19, we would ask that you stay home until you are feeling better and/or are testing negative.
The services are live streamed on this site and on YouTube and we welcome you to participate in this way while you are feeling unwell.
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